fancysweetstx - Midwest, Ohio, Michigan, and Great Lakes Clothing Updates and News 2024-02-19T12:48:38-05:00 fancysweetstx 2021-12-15T14:51:05-05:00 2021-12-15T14:51:05-05:00 Plant person t-shirt! (New release) Molly Joyce We all have that one friend who is a proud plant person and has so many plants that it's hard to keep count. Heck, maybe you are that friend! Well, plant friends, you're going to love this new shirt.

Plant person tshirt

You won't be-leaf how cute this shirt is. 

We know that many of you (including us) have plant babies that mean the world to you. There's nothing like going to the Farmer's Market, picking out your newest plant addition(s), and finding the perfect pots for them. From snake plants to succulents, there is so much fun in watching them grow! 

Show off your plant person pride with this new release. Plant people, this shirt was made for you. Quite literally. 

Pot it like it's hot.

You won't want to miss out on this awesome t-shirt. Treat yourself with this shirt or gift it to your favorite plant person!

If you're from the area, stop into our retail stores! Our retail staff would love to see you. If you aren't able to make it in, then you can shop online! Either way, we can't wait to see how you rock this shirt. 

]]> 2018-04-20T11:41:00-04:00 2019-01-10T11:35:18-05:00 fancysweetstx Rooftop Garden on 13 ABC john amato fancysweetstx Rooftop Garden

13 ABC visited us this week to talk to us about the garden we have on the roof of our building. Last year we built four garden boxes and planted flowers, herbs, vegetables, and fruit. We placed them on load bearing walls on the roof to support the weight.

This year we plan to expand our garden with a couple more boxes and more plants! We even have a rain barrel to collect water so that we don't have to carry it up with us.

Thanks for stopping by Lissa! You can read the full story and watch the video on 13 ABC's website.
